Sunday 12 October 2014

Parliament restored - in time for Fiji Day 2014

Friday 10th October was a public holiday here and the Fiji Times reported as follows:

PRESIDENT Ratu Epeli Nailatikau is appealing to the people of Fiji to be patriotic and remain proud in its history and hopeful in its future. For the first time in eight years yesterday, Fiji celebrated its national day alongside its return to parliamentary democracy, something Ratu Epeli said marked a new era in Fiji's history.
"I appeal to you all to be patriotic, to have a true sense of pride about our nation no matter what we do or where we are. We should sing our national anthem with pride. We must love our country, just as we must love each other," he said. "I believe that the spirit of the Fijian people has never been stronger and that our nation's greatest days lie ahead.
He recalled the feeling of eagerness and excitement which came over him in 1970 on the cusp of Fiji's independence." Precisely 44 years ago today (yesterday), I was in Albert Park as equerry to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, as he handed the constitutional instruments of independence to our first Prime Minister, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara."
Having read that, I mused.... betcha there's film footage of Fiji's Independence somewhere? And indeed there is - in 5 segments - on the sainted YouTube. Prince Charles is seen being welcomed with a traditional cup of kava, imbibed from a coconut shell. Here's part one of Fiji's Independence Ceremony 1944 if you feel moved to watch.
I wandered downtown along the seafront to Albert Park and watched the celebrations in the crowd - meeting various people from the College campus who were doing much the same.

A uniformed parade followed through the centre of Suva. Here's the army on parade in stunning regalia and impeccable style.

And here's Marika and Veniana whom I met in the crowd, photographed and named with Mum's permission. They're patriotic and proud, as the President suggested they should be. But will democracy deliver for their generation? We pray so.

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