Thursday 13th November 2014 won't be forgotten in a hurry. It was Pacific Theological College's graduation day - an occasion teeming with preparations, celebrations and congratulations: not least for one of our Extension students who proudly gained her Certificate in Theological Studies.
Best of all, Mrs Moka Jessop Togakilo managed to come over to Fiji from the island of Niue to receive her award in person.
Best of all, Mrs Moka Jessop Togakilo managed to come over to Fiji from the island of Niue to receive her award in person.
Moka was accompanied by her daughter Helena who lives in Auckland, and we were absolutely thrilled to see them! For many friends who study at a distance, attending the graduation here just isn't a goer. Their Churches, hopefully, organise an occasion locally for them. But Moka, on this occasion, was able to be here for the full works and kindly agreed to be interviewed by me for the blog. I began by asking her, delicately, about being a somewhat mature student.
Moka: Oh yes! I just turned 71 on Sept 24th this year. 34 years ago I and my husband were students at the University of the South Pacific which is nearby to your College, so visiting Suva again after so long is bringing back memories. My husband is also studying for his Certificate so maybe in the future when I get my Diploma at the next level we can graduate together.
Val: Moka, tell me please about your Church and the work you do there?
Moka: Well...my Church is called Ekalesia
Kelisiano Niue (EKN) and that's where I'm an ordained Elder: the word we use is ulumutua. I suppose you could say I'm the Pastor's 'right-hand woman', but actually we have no Pastor so I have pastoral charge of the Church in a village called Toi, and it's coming up to my 10th year of being ordained.
Val: So does studying theology at a distance really help you in that ministry? Does it equip you for the work on the ground?
Moka: It does. Yes! The courses have proved to me that what I'm doing is of God. It's very important for me to have theological education because otherwise people think the only real Pastors - the only ones who know anything - are those who've been to College full-time. It's hard in our Church for women leaders to be recognised and I often think of Paul and his times of misery and persecution. I have known those times too. But they have made me rely on God even more.
Val: Can you think of a particular topic or assignment in your studies which really gripped you and got you thinking?
Moka: Let me think now....oooh - so many.... it was in the Biblical Studies course when we looked at the story of Rehab. I was thinking about her being called a prostitute and how negative that is. But if we are Christians and look more deeply, we see how she
performed to save Israel from the hands of her enemies by hiding the spies. It annoys me that she's labelled, and as I was studying, I was thinking, "In any new translation of the Bible, will there be a change in that word 'prostitute?'" I think there should be. You can’t look down on your sisters because that’s the past – the old
Val: That's really interesting, Moka: that your studies helped you to wrestle with that passage.
Moka: Mmm - studying, you know, helps you to develop your spiritual side. It's very educational and it
applies to your own life and you become a different person. We have old habits
and old ways of looking at things. The courses are organized in a way that helps you go forward – they inspire
you. That’s it. That’s why I'm studying in the extension programme. I didn’t do it just to prove I’m a Pastor – though you
can’t deny that was part of it. But the best part is to know God more and to be a better follower of Jesus
day by day.
And so, after a three hour graduation ceremony and a splendid feast on Thursday evening and into the night, Moka and Helena left at 2.00am(!) Friday morning by taxi for a three hour journey to the airport and then a flight back to Auckland to attend her grandson's wedding the next day. Talk about packing it in. Phew! She didn't seem at all fazed however, and was well up for it. If Moka's anything to go by, Theological Education by Extension doesn't half keep you pulsating and perky.
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