Steve Pearce is the Methodist Church's Partnership Co-ordinator for Asia and the Pacific and very good it was to see him too when he spent almost a week here recently. He's a bit like a doctor doing the rounds really: checking up on Mission Partners like me to ensure they're not more trouble than they're worth - quite right too - and reconnecting with people and projects in this area that the Methodist World Mission Fund partners with. You can read Steve's own report by clicking here and scrolling down to April 2015 Fiji Report.

The World Mission Fund has offered a rolling grant to the work of the Pacific Theological College for a number of years now: currently £10,000 annually each to the Residential and Extension programmes. No discrimination there which is great! It also contributes 25% to the current mission partner appointment, ie, me. Too often at the College here, the discourse around overseas Churches and agencies who offer support is entirely about money, and I've found that a bit troubling. So I was delighted that our Principal agreed to Steve giving a hour's presentation to the community - see him in action above - about partnership in mission, and the aspirations we hold about that. For sure, the weight of colonial history, the 'power' that comes with being a funder of anything, and the resources British Methodism can still choose to share or withhold skew the conversation if we're not careful.

But Steve's presentation emphasising the overriding principle of partnership in mission was well received and generated good questions. For some it didn't go deep enough (he had his ear bent about that!) but for most it was a real window on the wider world Church. Methodists abound here, and so it was of particular denominational interest too and shed a lot of light for local Methodists on how British Methodism and the World Church relationships team relate to this area of the world. I was so grateful to Steve for inspiring PTC with this presentation and so very glad he was able to be more visible to the community. I was absolutely determined not to let him simply be whisked in and out of the finance office! It was lovely to have Steve visit us and his work on the Asia-Pacific desk is firmly on PTC's prayer list.
New connections: with Ismael Silak from West Papua and Rev Dr Donald Samuel, Faculty member.
Old friends: catching up with Fijian colleagues who have worked or studied in the UK through Methodism's World Church in Britain or Scholarship and Leadership Training Programmes. Front left, back to camera in the brownish shirt, is Rev Akuila Yabaki who used to be based in Methodist Church House, London - doing Steve's job. Global partnership personified.
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