Wednesday 21 May 2014

A week of delights, and it's only Wednesday...

Sunday 19th May - delighted to be at wonderful Wesley's Chapel for the Testimony service of Methodist ordinands from the London District, including Rev Imran Malik. Go Imran!!

Monday 20th May - delighted to take a completed PhD text for printing and binding - a mere 94,000 words. The viva (defence before external examiners) not until August though. Lots of time to reflect on what might have been added - or subtracted. But you have to stop sometime...

Tuesday 21st May - delighted to meet up with Hannah, Harad and Michael at the stunningly creative TBI Media and be an interview guest at their kind invitation. 

Wednesday 22nd May - delighted to spend a day prepping for Fiji at Interhealth and then Methodist Church House with Nurse Jo, Dr  Clare, Steve, Simon, Ernest, George, Dave, Samir, Syntiche and Jane: each one - separately but comfortingly united in purpose - offering words of wisdom about preparing for ministry in Fiji. Grateful to them all! (Now where did I put those notes...)

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