Friday 4 September 2015

The MMPs

What a pleasure it's been to have Wande Ebofin staying at House 12 this week. 

Wande is another of that weird and wonderful species, the lesser spotted Methodist Mission Partner, often seen nesting around hospitals, schools, community projects and churches. You can read her blog here

MMPs come in different plumage and inhabit various territories. Wande is currently in East New Britain, Papua New Guinea and was born in the UK, raised in Nigeria, and has felt a powerful call from God on her life to move in mission. So it was fascinating to hear of how her gifts and graces have been put to use in Nigeria, the UK, the Bahamas, Sierra Leone and now PNG. Amazingly, the 5 MMPs serving in the Pacific all touched base in Suva this week, and here we are. 

From the back row left it goes Wande, Jenny Longbottom, Julia Edwards, Yours Truly. And then front row right to left, Graham Longbottom and Rev Dr Donald Samuel  - not an MMP but now on the Faculty here at College who kindly led some devotions for us on our Retreat day. Donald knows about moving in mission too, having served in South India, Botswana, American Samoa  and now Fiji. 

Jenny and Graham are medical doctors and have been at Helena Goldie hospital in the Solomon Islandsdoing fine work. You can read more about them on their blog. Julia is already a Suva colleague and you can find her latest news here.

At which point, I shall leave you for a while, because I'm the one cooking dinner for us tonight and I need to go and tackle one of our remarkably tough and unyielding pumpkins with a sharp instrument. The pumpkin usually wins.

I'd invite you to join us, but - honestly - would you want to have dinner with a bunch of Methodist Mission Partners? You know what they're like....

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