Wednesday 27 January 2016

One Body

Our latest student sign-up is a bit of an ecumenical rising star. Alena, who's just 18, has already been to the Solomon Islands sponsored by 'Youth with a Mission' to do pastoral and outreach work; done a course on child evangelism c/o the Baptist Church, and studied 'Theology of the Body' for a week with the Catholics. She now thinks - and her parents are very supportive - that she might like to do a bit more theological reflection on her varied experiences so far and so she's doing our Introduction to the Bible modules. She also spoke with great confidence to new students; some quite senior ministers, at their orientation session in our Dept. I wonder what God has in store for this one? Great things I suspect.

And talking about theology of the body, what on earth is going on here you may well ask...

Well it's the Nanuku Wednesday Bible Study of course, and Seni is leaning across and drawing around little Wendy with a chunky marker pen, as you do when Rev Val tells you to. (Activities! Activities! they squeal, bouncing up and down). Wendy's big brother Dikesh looks to be pinning her down by the arms for this particular activity but I can assure you she was completely up for it and totally cooperative. 

We were looking at - not hard to guess the passage...

...and had a fun time discussing which of us were more like hands or feet or mouths. Wendy's definitely a mouth just now. 

And then the serious bit about what all this means for Nanuku, with its fair share of issues, listening to the challenge 1 Cor 12 sets: to build a body which is fully functional and harmonious. No place for division.

And why should we be surprised when it's younger people who set the standard and lead the way? Here are Itika and Dikesh - putting the theory of harmony into practice.

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