Saturday 2 April 2016

...and the best theology's done where?

Very busy editing our next BD course which Dr Kathryn, our latest Biblical scholar on the Faculty, has given the green light to. She's a great asset to us and so helpful to the Education by Extension Department. Been teaching in Melbourne, and happens to be Jewish, so enhances scholarly diversity here no end. We're remembering to say 'Shabbat Shalom!' to her on Fridays. You can read about Dr Kathryn here.

I'm not a Hebrew Scripture/Old Testament specialist by any means, but have always loved delving into the book of Proverbs and the Wisdom Literature so am enjoying getting it shelf-ready. It reminded me that I once preached a sermon comparing Lady Wisdom and Les Dawson - the latter a much loved but no longer with us comedian from the North of England. Count yourself fortunate that a brief search through my One Drive hasn't unearthed a copy, otherwise I'd have troubled you with it. This clip of Les with Roy Barraclough as 'Cissie and Ada' - ladies of wisdom personified - may do us all more good.

So while some of the 'best' theology is being processed and packaged in the Education by Extension Dept, over at Nanuku settlement, the new Youth Group - been going about 6 weeks now - is always up for doing some theology. Last Weds, after the chaotic but enthusiastic twangings and strummings of my informal guitar class (5.30pm-6.30pm) all the young people stayed on for the Bible Study at 7. I wasn't down to lead it - it's a regular fixture - but no leader showed up and neither did any adults. So about a dozen 10-14 year olds and I discussed the Lord's Prayer, sitting on a tatty carpet with one dodgy light bulb doing its best. Some are students at St Marcellin: the local Roman Catholic primary school, so are used to Friday Mass and a bit of catechism.

Me:  OK then - Our Father who art in heaven - or, who is in heaven. Where's heaven?

Up there, up there!!!! (Pointing and aircraft noises). 
No, no - you - we don't KNOW where heaven is!! (Thumps first respondent)
Yes we DOOO - we look up to heaven when we're praying. 
I don't. You don't have to.
I look down
'Cos you're on the phone on Facebook. (Sniggers - gets a slap from neighbouring theologian)
Ow! Reverend Val she's...
In Sunday school they do hands together eyes closed...

Me: OK, OK - no one should be hitting anyone - we're Christians - right?

Yeah - Reverend Val's right! (Smug cohort folds arms)
Sorry Reverend Val...

Me:  So what DO we know about heaven even if we don't know where it is?

It's where Our Father is - God is our Father in Heaven

Me: Can God be our Mother too? Just asking...

Because God's a MAN!
Did you see him - when when? Did he have a man's face? You don't know. (Methodist Rosie very animated about this). God can be our Father AND our Mother...

Me: ...(slowly)... because God is not a human being ......right?

(Silence as the brain cogs of Nanuku's young people whirr. Pin dropping moment.)

Me: ...and therefore can't be male or female, right? God is more like spirit than flesh - kind of everywhere and no particular shape?

But, Jesus....

Me: ...yes, go on...

...he was - yeah - he was a human being...
...and he died on the cross for our sins and they nailed his hands - he had real hands - and his feet... (Enthusiastic hammering gestures and noises)

Me: Enough!

...and he ate bread and stuff

Me: Yes, God sent Jesus to the world as a living human being like us - why? What was the point of that?

I KNOW I KNOW!!!! to save us from our sins!!!
to die on the cross!!!
to teach us..... what? Mmmm - to teach show us... 
...what - what God's like otherwise we wouldn't know because he's in heaven and he's not a human being and we can't see him...
God should just have flown down like in a helicopter (we've had helicopters delivering relief aid buzzing around Suva) and given out bread to people in the cyclone like Jesus did to all those people when - mmmm - oh yeah - when that boy had the fish in his lunchbox
IT'S IN THE BIBLE!!! (Hands on hips and infuriated)

Me: It is - well remembered. OK, OK - so IF God had come down from heaven in the 
helicopter and it landed at Suva Point and the whizzy things stopped whizzing around (giggles) and the door opened and God got out, how on earth would we know it was God?

Because JESUS would get out!

Me: You're impressive theologians at Nanuku...

....he could still fly because the holes would be healed...
Yeah - he'd be flying it - yes captain! (Salutes)
Yes because - yes because - Jesus would come to Nanuku and visit our church and give out bread
...and Easter eggs. Heeee- heeee!! 

(We'd delivered decorated hard-boiled eggs, house to house, on Easter Day, though the uplifting messages, lovingly written in felt tip, suffered rather in the rain. Illegible but well intended).

Bible study ended with choruses, prayers for our families and lots of thrashing each other amicably and noisily with empty Coke and Fanta bottles. Plastic ones I hasten to add. The discipline of the present disciples is something of a work in progress.

And so 'Lady Wisdom', alive and well in the learning and discerning of these wonderful young people who inspire and give hope, furthers God's work among the next generation in a Fijian informal settlement.

God bless 'em.

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